This research publication, in whatever form it’s currently inhabiting (be it a screen, photoshop mockup, indesign file, or actual book) exists as an attempt to establish a narrative in design which is decidedly queer. What this means today I think is very much up to interpretation. One can exist and perform queerness in both intentional and unintentional ways, a direct or indirect abstinence from a norm feels inherently queer but to simply say that anything and everything acting to push away from the “mainstream” also feels way too simple. There are questions to be resolved within
the work presented here and the work not found/not presented. That being said, allow this information to inform and inspire you to see forms of collaboration, resistance, and power in agitation against heteronormative visual systems of understanding. You are just as important as the work residing below. Reading something as queer is just as important, to come at something with a different mindset for digestion, just as valuable as creating work which tugs in new directions. By allowing for new questions and critique, alternative paths of thought and new platforms of visual legitimacy are created.